Project Indiana milestone reached!

I'm very pleased to announce that the first milestone of Project Indiana is now available - called OpenSolaris Developer Preview.
It's available for download at
This is an x86-based LiveCD install image, containing some new and emerging OpenSolaris technologies. This may result in instabilities that lead to system panics or data corruption.

For more details about the system requirements along with some basic user documentation, see -
and the release notes

やや.OpenSolaris Project: Indiana に進展が!
以前見たステータスでは"Download A preview release will be available in late October!"となっていたが,宣言通り10/31にプレビュー版ISOイメージがダウンロードできるようになった模様.Ubuntuと同様,1枚のLiveCDに収まっている様なので,明日にでも余っているThinkPad T40で試してみるか.